The Many Versions of Greatness and Leadership

Lately this quote by Mother Theresa has really resonated with me:

"In this life we cannot always do great things.  But we can do small things with great love."

It's really resonated with me because I admit lately I've had moments where I feel insignificant.... that I haven't really achieved the 'greatness' that I'd hope to achieve when I left home.  That my life really isn't that important.

But I read this quote and I stopped and reflected.

My life may not be centred around 'greatness' to a wide audience, but I have in a sense completed many small things with great love.  That's my idea of greatness!

I've never really been a 'boss' and only been in a leadership position once.  I haven't done anything that can be written in books or widely televised.  Years ago, I cared a lot! I wanted to be a success, I wanted to be 'famous'.  I wanted to be loved by the masses!

But my outlook has changed. Whenever I have a moment where I don't feel significant or like I haven't achieved anything worth talking about, I tell myself:

I may not be a leader, but I can lead by example.
I belong in the heart of my God, my little Tayla, my family and my closest friends.
My small voice in the world expands into a BIG song!  I am educating and inspiring future generations!
It's the love and time I put into my life that makes it special, not just the achievements!

So whenever you have a moment where you feel like you don't belong or you haven't really achieved anything worth bragging about, remember that you are a small piece in a big puzzle.  And let's be honest. Without your 'small piece', that big puzzle with never truly look like what it should.


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