If I could
be honest, these last few months have been full on and mentally testing. But strangely enough, this week has taken the
cake! This week alone has been a week of realisation, waking up and hitting the

I found
this quote about a month ago and it has become my ‘go to’ at the moment: “Serious
transformations begin with two commitments – the courage to try new things and
act in new ways, and the honesty needed to no longer hide from or lie to
ourselves,” (Yung Pueblo.) This
was a massive revelation to me. I have
these goals, dreams and aspirations, yet I am living my life stuck in the same
rut of wanting affirmation from others when I should simply be kinder to myself
and give myself what I need…. Not exhausting myself constantly meeting the
needs of others. I want a specific kind
of husband, yet I am not giving myself the full deep and real love that I know
I really do deserve…. I need to be loved in the same way I DESIRE to be loved. I want to of influence and do bold things, but
how can I do that if I get concerned about what others think or still take
things personally when things don’t work out (I’m getting better with this one,
but still work to do.) If I’m not deeply confident in what I do, how will I
truly show what I am capable of? God
really put that word in my heart recently:
If I really want something, I have to build, fully repair my heart and
learn to love myself in the same way He loves me. And it comes down to honesty: Do I truly love myself in a real and
authentic way? Or am I allowing my hurts
of my past and small glimpses of self-loathe play the ‘I told you so’
story? And that all takes time and I
believe it is a life time journey. But
if I want to commit to taking my life to a different level and work towards
what I truly desire, I have to stop lying to myself and be prepared to change
my thinking. Some of my starting points:
1I made a decision to ‘unplug’ from
social media:
I really
wish I did this sooner. It’s toxic for
me at the moment. I became disconnected
mentally. I wasted my time on it. I began to compare. It was becoming a bit of an addiction. I have been off it since Wednesday night and
honestly, I don’t particularly want to go back to it anytime soon. I have enjoyed getting a better night sleep
and less anxiety attacks through the day.
I’m enjoying waking up feeling a little clearer mentally. It’s keeping me present and appreciating the
time of others more in real time and keeps me accountable for what I am doing
in my own time rather than comparing (which is poisonous anyway.)
2I have joined a fitness group that
is away from my working fitness world:
I needed a
change. I was doing so many covers and
honestly the gyms were driving me a little bonkers. I wanted something ‘social’ where I could
work hard and build my fitness without being around egos. I’m at the end of my first week there and I
loved it. Did my first hill sprints in
YEARS and it pretty much smashed me, but I loved it! I’m just so excited about finding a different
dimension to my fitness and seeing what goals I can achieve.
3I am writing my gratitude notes each
Where I
can, I am making an effort to do this daily.
I missed a couple of days when I was at my roughest, but I will catch up
on those today. It’s actually been
really nice to remind myself daily of where I am at and what great stuff is
going on in my life. Some so small and
simple, but so wonderfully satisfying.
Like yesterday when I sat and watched Tayla doing gymnastics and the
warm smell of chocolate beetroot cupcakes in the oven.
4I am working towards consistency in
my morning routine:
I have
always had a pretty solid morning routine, but lately I have been distracted,
so not really taken that time in like I would have liked. Now I want to focus on using that time as
best I can (even if it’s 5 minutes) to give myself the best chance of working towards
my best self.
I will keep
blogging from time to time and I hope maybe I have inspired you to work on some
growth and personal change.
Have a
beautiful afternoon.
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