Through a Different Lens
I had a bit of a brainwave while driving home from a challenge dinner last night. I wouldn’t throw the word ‘revelation’ but it still struck me in a big way.

The answers came in a way I didn’t imagine, but I had to be open to the answers. My highlight reels:
On Monday, I had a young American lady come up to me after Pump and told me about how she has only ever done Yoga before coming to Australia and I have given her a fresh spark to try something different. She has a back issue and found the Pump mixed with her Yoga has helped.
On Wednesday I had a lady who was one of my Monday regulars walk past the Group Fitness Room and stopped when she noticed I was setting up. She quickly asks if I’m taking the class. After I nod, she quickly starts setting up a station and proceeds to tell me about how much I motivate her to push harder, especially when she’s low on motivation (she’s a very strong lady.) I also had a student come up to me at the end of one of my English lessons and shows me a picture of her deceased mother. She starts sharing some stories about her mum and how much she loves her. What a blessing that she was willing to share this story with me. I also gave a teacher that was after some fresh ideas an English resource that helped her heaps.

On Friday, I started filming a video for our Showcase. I had a prac student who was coming in for an observation come in and help film! It gave me the opportunity to direct and ensure the actors were ready. Mind you that morning I had a different type of set in mind and I had actually forgotten everything because I was in a rush to get to work. The prac student was so excited because I gave him the opportunity to be involved in something creative that he was missing out on because of a change in the course. That afternoon, I rock up to teach a cover Pump class… the class was packed, especially with a few new people! A couple of the regulars helped me with getting them set up and ready to go and I had a group of wonderful ladies singing along during tracks and having an incredible time (even through the pained bits.)

So what did I give to others this week (as well as outside of this list)?
· An opportunity to get fitter and stronger.
· A time to destress, sing along and have fun.
· Time to develop a better version of themselves and fall in love with their strong and incredible bodies.
· The space to be creative and explore their performance and creative skills.
· A new-found appreciation for health and fitness.
· A kind ear and big heart to listen to a story from a young girl that’s close to her heart.
· A different perspective over an otherwise difficult situation that a group are going through.
· An opportunity for ladies to talk about how fitness has changed their lives.
· A opportunity to learn something new (not sure how much, but hopefully something!)
· How to stay calm when things get stressful.
· Encouragement to others.
It's funny that pretty much every day that I have driven home and even when going to bed, I have been (my 'typical') tired yet at the same time felt mentally great. I have been able to sleep most of the time without a million thoughts running through my head or stressing out about whether or not things will get done. I have enjoyed being the listener and observer this week, looking at where other people are at in their journeys. I particularly felt a huge flow of happiness and contentment flow over me as I drove home last night.
I can't even begin to go into how much better I feel and how much richer I know my life is from these changes in recent times. Yes I want more from my life and bigger more audacious goals, but I am also enjoying the changes to my mindset and seeing potential from a different perspective. Doing this reminds me that I have the capacity to do more in this world than I will ever imagine. And I will get there, one beautiful person at a time and one small change at my pace.
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