2016: New Beginnings
Well this year has definitely kicked off. I have already had a balance of great and challenging things happen over the last five days but I am always prepared for anything. 2015 brought about a lot of big things and major life changes (some great and some not so great), but I know I came out of it a whole new person.
But as I turn to 2016, I am in it to dream and do big. I don't feel like I am done yet and there is more out there to achieve. I don't want to get to end of this year being regretful because I let the energy of this year pass me by. I feel like a new chapter is coming in my life as well as I prepare to move out of this unit. I admit that it's been kind of bittersweet watching the experience unfold as it's made me reflect back on the first time I moved in here. It was about mid 2012 when I had just separated from Tayla's father and I was pretty much starting again (furniture and all). Having to learn to do things on my own, find my identity, learn to be happily single, going through the pains that come with separation, starting a full time job, going through the tears and lonely nights, dealing with issues from the past…. so many things. I remember taking to many risks during that time, which petrified me. I knew that I was going to sail into a lot of trouble if my risks didn't work, but I held an unfailing faith that it was all going to turn out how it was meant to be. I remember being shy, scared, confused, depressed….. continuously reminding myself that I could do anything if I really put my mind and effort into it. I began to ask people for advice and help rather than try and do it on my own. I began to value feedback rather than take offence by it. I started to dream bigger and become confident in the woman I was becoming.

What are you wanting 2016 to bring to your way? Do you have specific goals or areas in your life that you want to focus on? Don't leave this year regretting and wondering what could have been - dream, plan and act and watch the person you become through the process!
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