The Fear Road

But I am still there.
I am not perfect or amazing at my job.
I definitely don’t qualify for ‘Teacher of the Year’ nor will I probably
ever be promoted. But I am still here,
hanging on and figuring it all out piece by piece. Learning about myself more and dealing with
my fears a tiny bit better. My capacity in dealing with teenagers is
getting better, although there are still days where I just want to grab a sock
and put it in their mouth…. Oh come on teachers! You’ve all felt that from time
to time…. We’re all human! I also definitely don’t expect people to aspire to or
be inspired by me, but I guess if that floats your boat, go for it.
I will be upfront and say that I have been driven with so
many mixed emotions in the last few months about whether teaching is my ‘thing’. Actually that’s a huge lie…. I have felt that
since day one! But I am still here so to
an extent it must be my ‘thing’. I
remember when I first started my now permanent teaching job I was so
excited. I had this big positive mindset
of ‘yeah this is so my calling… I am in the right place…. I’ve got this.’ Fast forward about a year and a half in (and
a few personal hiccups and professional hurdles), I sit with my head in my
hands and doubt my worthiness to be there. Everyone talks about how they are so
passionate and it’s their calling and just ‘have it’ as a teacher. And then there’s me who has to work hard and
take a little bit longer to ‘get it’.
And then I start to compare and think that it’s not my ‘thing’ and feel
enormous guilt because I don’t feel like everyone else. I wonder sometimes if this feeling of ‘running
way’ is the fear setting in of not wanting to face my own fears. It’s amazing how in life I am given things that
are meant to help me overcome my fears and weaknesses yet I keep seeing it as proof
that I can’t overcome it.

As hard as it is, I really need to stick this out. This whole experience is changing me so much
in my professional and personal life so I have so many positive things to gain on a personal level. I
need to keep telling myself that I am doing just fine. I need to remind myself that promotion doesn’t
always mean success. I need to
understand that stuff happens but I am stronger than it. I need to work with the mindset of taking in
each great opportunity and stop being anxious about whether it’s my thing. I guess if it wasn’t my thing, I wouldn’t be
there in the first place!
And then I start to measure my success poorly. I get this big idea in my head that success as
a teacher is measured by promotion, being able to just get everything without
the massive stumbles and walking around with that feeling that I am made for
the job or that I did a good job or can manage my stress levels.

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