The Stage That Belongs to God
So about 3 years ago I gave my life to Jesus. About 12 months ago I completely surrendered my heart to Him. I started getting involved with Creative Arts in the Church over the last 6 months and have been working full time at the school since the start of the year.
The more I walk into that Church, the more emotionally and spiritually fuller I feel. My feelings about every small aspect of that building evolves and changes every time I walk in. Particularly the stage and it's purpose. In any other place, that stage serves solely as a purpose for entertainment. But not this one. In my eyes, it serves as a purpose to declare the name of Jesus and heal/redeem/save the lost and the hurt. I've seen in awe what has happened from that stage. I've seen people healed from illness, people be saved from addiction, hearts hungry for growth, hearts hungry for the word of Jesus. I feel such a loving and electric energy every time I walk in. I want to dance and sing loud every time the music starts playing on that stage. I wish I could explain it..... but really I can't. You have to be there to feel the overall incredible presence of the room.
When I look at or am on that stage, one thing comes to mind EVERY TIME. This stage doesn't belong to any of us.... it belongs to God. Every cent that went towards building it..... every amazing talent that performs and preaches on it.... every light..... instrument...... piece of equipment..... everything..... belongs to Him. And should be treated like it belongs to Him. Every person walking on that stage should do so in a way that glorifies Him and testifies His love and grace. That stage should not be solely for your entertainment, to impress others or simply get bums on a seat to watch a show. Anything that happens on that stage should be a gifting and a tool to potentially plant a seed of growth in many hearts. People should walk out of that church not just impressed by what they saw and heard on the stage but the presence they felt when they walked in the room.
I can tell you first hand that after last night, I felt a presence in that room that is indescribable. It was so strong I was shaking and in tears..... I've never felt anything like it. It was like another old part of me died and another new part of me began to rise through the ashes and flourish. I woke up this morning and our School Musical came to mind. The students and teachers involved have been working tirelessly on this production and put their hearts and energies into making this production of an amazing quality. I hope that each and every member of that cast and crew remember one thing when they walk into that dress rehearsal and performance: God owns the stage.... perform in a way that glorifies God's name and touches hearts, minds and souls beyond anything imaginable. Before performing, pray and give thanks for the opportunity He has given you to be up there. Give thanks for the talents and giftings He has graced us with..... for the ways in which he has built character and strength in each and every person involved...... for every incredibly beautiful thing that happens during and after those performances..... and for every heart that could potentially be saved just from feeling the presence in the room during all of those performances.
The more I walk into that Church, the more emotionally and spiritually fuller I feel. My feelings about every small aspect of that building evolves and changes every time I walk in. Particularly the stage and it's purpose. In any other place, that stage serves solely as a purpose for entertainment. But not this one. In my eyes, it serves as a purpose to declare the name of Jesus and heal/redeem/save the lost and the hurt. I've seen in awe what has happened from that stage. I've seen people healed from illness, people be saved from addiction, hearts hungry for growth, hearts hungry for the word of Jesus. I feel such a loving and electric energy every time I walk in. I want to dance and sing loud every time the music starts playing on that stage. I wish I could explain it..... but really I can't. You have to be there to feel the overall incredible presence of the room.
When I look at or am on that stage, one thing comes to mind EVERY TIME. This stage doesn't belong to any of us.... it belongs to God. Every cent that went towards building it..... every amazing talent that performs and preaches on it.... every light..... instrument...... piece of equipment..... everything..... belongs to Him. And should be treated like it belongs to Him. Every person walking on that stage should do so in a way that glorifies Him and testifies His love and grace. That stage should not be solely for your entertainment, to impress others or simply get bums on a seat to watch a show. Anything that happens on that stage should be a gifting and a tool to potentially plant a seed of growth in many hearts. People should walk out of that church not just impressed by what they saw and heard on the stage but the presence they felt when they walked in the room.
I can tell you first hand that after last night, I felt a presence in that room that is indescribable. It was so strong I was shaking and in tears..... I've never felt anything like it. It was like another old part of me died and another new part of me began to rise through the ashes and flourish. I woke up this morning and our School Musical came to mind. The students and teachers involved have been working tirelessly on this production and put their hearts and energies into making this production of an amazing quality. I hope that each and every member of that cast and crew remember one thing when they walk into that dress rehearsal and performance: God owns the stage.... perform in a way that glorifies God's name and touches hearts, minds and souls beyond anything imaginable. Before performing, pray and give thanks for the opportunity He has given you to be up there. Give thanks for the talents and giftings He has graced us with..... for the ways in which he has built character and strength in each and every person involved...... for every incredibly beautiful thing that happens during and after those performances..... and for every heart that could potentially be saved just from feeling the presence in the room during all of those performances.
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