Balancing Act

I'm putting it out there.
I have a VERY busy life.
To put into perspective what I do with my life:
- I am a Mother. I have my beautiful daughter 7 days on and then her Father has her for 7 days off. I do the typical parenting nurturing duties when I have her.
- I teach full time. Within that teaching job I teach multiple subjects areas in Grade 8/9 including Maths, English, Science, HPE, History and Christian Living. I also coach a Netball team and I personal train some staff when I get a chance.
- I work with Youth at Church on a Friday (Tayla comes with me when she's here) and Creative Arts Ministry every second Wednesday.
- I do theatre (currently co-directing and now acting in the play.... only a one-act thank goodness!)
- I go to church and soon will be helping design the 'creative time' in kids church once a month (still don't know who dobbed me in for that one!).
- Training for a marathon (one long run per fortnight).
- I work out at least 30 minutes per day or an hour every second day.
- I solely maintain a household in all regards (finances, cooking, cleaning, maintenance, bills, phone calls, emails.... basically everything a family unit would do).
- I write a blog about living a positive life.
- I catch up with friends and socialise when I can.
- I am currently doing a Cert IV in Fitness (but on hold while I focus on my job.... will resume again over Easter).
Phew! I think that's it! It's a lot I know. I am constantly asked how I do it..... how I keep my sanity levels.
- I make it a priority to be organised..... really I have no choice! If I'm not organised, it will all fall to bits around me. I write stuff down, make sure my work stuff is out on my desk ready for the next day, I write a timetable, I make sure I carry spares of things in the car, I buy stuff in bulk so I don't have to think about it for a while (and it's cheaper). I admit that I am not always organised and sometimes things do not work out, but I learn and try not to do it again. I forget things, double up.... I am human, but I find a way to adapt as much as possible.
- I adapt..... ALOT! Although in the scheme of things I do a lot, it really isn't a lot. I work with the time I have. For example, with exercise, I squeeze it in where I can and find opportunities when I can. I've had days where I've only been able to do 20 minutes, but I did something! I put my course to the side because it's not a high priority right now, but I will resume it when the moment allows me. I write my blog when I have time to write my blog or when it's in my heart to write something. I am constantly adapting to my lifestyle..... but that's the fun in keeping things interesting.
- I do what I love or find a way to love it. It makes it so much easier to do! And why not be happy doing it and do things with great love and happiness? You only have one life.... enjoy it!
- I acknowledge I am not perfect.... nor am I close. I stuff up quite a bit, I cop criticism, sometimes I don't get it straight away. But I try my best and I am starting to learn as I get older to not take things personally and really that's been a big factor in my growth!
- I make myself accountable by reflecting on my mistakes rather than let them weigh me down. Letting personal issues consume you creates a weight on your shoulders. Imagine carrying that weight around all day everyday? Gets tiring after a while hey? Why give yourself that weight to carry when you don't need it? Isn't it easier to be light and deal with worries constructively?
- I invest my time the best I can. Consider a 24 hour day. What can you achieve in 24 hours when you plan right?
- I seek constructive criticism and motivation. I strive on positive reinforcement..... I strive on laughter and happiness!
- I pray and seek wisdom from the word of God. Christianity isn't everyone's cup of tea and I acknowledge that, but it's an important part of my life now and it's incredible what I've learnt through church, devotions, bible verses and those around me. Praying doesn't magically give me the solution, but it leads me to different possible solutions or pathways towards solutions. It's also my time of meditation to just chill out and learn more about myself through practicing my faith and building a relationship with God.
- I acknowledge that seasons change. I am in my season where I have opportunities like these. Who knows when my next season is coming. Who knows when Mr. Right will pop in and I'll get married and all that jazz? Or get called onto the journey of a lifetime? Anything really.... why not make the most of every season you're in to grow!
- No matter what I am still Krystal. I have the same needs and wants that the average person has. I still experience emotions. I still go through hardships. I still cry and ask why. I still miss my parents when I'm home alone without my child. I still get maternal instincts. I still have issues that press into my busy life. I still go through heart break. I just learn to find ways to work my life around that.

I might have a busy life, but it doesn't completely define me. Some people might seem like their life is quiet, but it doesn't define them. Don't live or allow someone to live in a past season, instead enjoy this one and look with optimism at the next one. Look at that person for the heart they possess and the beautiful soul that shines within them.
Enjoy your night!
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