A Blog About True Love
In the spirit of Valentine's Da, it seems kind of logical to write about love! I am yet to receive a Valentine (even in relationships I never had one), but I honestly don't mind one bit. I don't think Valentine's Day is just about chocolates, bears, roses and hearts.... it's also about reminding yourself about what's important within your heart. It's about celebrating your love for life. It's about reminding yourself what you're on this Earth for. And finally, it's about being thankful for all the things in your life that you love!
So what does love mean to you?
To me, LOVE is:
My little girl when she looks me in the eye, asks me for a 'smuggle puddle' (cuddle) and says "I love you to the spoonie and back Mummy."

My faith in and love for God. My Faith saved my life and gives me the strength to overcome all adversities. I don't know what path I'd be down if I wasn't saved.
Running..... the breeze in my face, the goal setting, the challenges, the outdoors, the release of stress, the results, the fitness, the accomplishment, the strength it's built in me emotionally.

Being a Teacher...... My chance to help shape the life of a future generation. My chance to teach academic content, perseverance, discipline, and values. That moment when they are finishing school and they thank you for the time you've committed to their learning.
Living life with gratitude, love and happiness. Waking up each day with that extra spark and motivation to take on the day. That love deep in your heart to leave your mark on the world and make your decisions from the heart.

Enjoy your evening!
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